Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tofino Whale Watching Trip!

Last weekend, Global Village students embarked on a wild trip to Tofino on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. (Check out the map below to see where it is!)

Lucky for us, we had gorgeous sunny weather and blue skies all day on Saturday...

We started from Waterfront Station, in downtown Vancouver, and took a rockin' lime green school bus out to Horseshoe Bay to get the ferry. Thanks Dave! You drove the bus like it was a race car!

The Ferry was fun... but super windy!

When we got to Vancouver Island, we accidentally got locked inside the Ferry Terminal!! But someone came and let us out in a few minutes, and we got on our luxury coach bus. On our way to Tofino, we stopped at Cathedral Grove to look at some BIIIIIIGGGGG trees....

When we arrived in Tofino, our awesome bus driver Jim offered to drive us to the beach so we could check out the views! We had lots of fun, even though it was SUPER windy. At least it was still sunny!

Simon lost one of his famous hats.... but even he was still having fun on the beach!

After a pasta dinner at the hotel, we headed out to catch the sunset... Some people went back to the beach, and some of us went to the docks on the other side of town. What a great end to the day!

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